Alchemy Sets

Practitioner Content Packages

Healing artists have a unique blend of gifts and talents that play a pivotal role in the transformation and rejuvenation of humanity. Your artistry, expressed authentically, has a profound impact on many. Captivating content is essential in showcasing the depth and passion of your healing work. Whichever modality it is in the healing arts, the visual presentation of your craft sets the tone for your growth.To all the healing artists: Isn't it time your artistry is highlighted in its truest form?  Let's collaborate to create content that resonates with the essence of your work, allowing the world to truly appreciate the depth of your impact.

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Avery’s Alchemy Journey
From our Studio to yours…

Sound was never on my radar. But unexpectedly, it became my world. I'm deeply grateful for this path that is unfolding before me. Now, I use it to help others, and it's taken me places I never imagined.

Growing up, music was always there. I played the piano and went to band camp, focusing on percussion. In my 20s, I tried the guitar. Yet, none of it stuck.

During my healing journey, while studying various modalities and exploring ways to assist others, I just so happened to live in a house with a set of crystal bowls. I began to integrate them into my offerings, and everything changed. This experience not only deepened my connection to sound but also reintroduced me to the world of music. Instruments that once felt distant to me now found a place in my musical journey. It was the beautiful reconnection I needed.

As my journey with sound deepened, things began to expand in ways I hadn't foreseen. I had the opportunity to support and guide retreats, collaborate with some of the world's leading wellness platforms, and contribute to corporate wellness. In this capacity, I also guided global initiatives and hired sound practitioners for activations worldwide. In LA, I found my space, eventually establishing The Sound Healing Studio. This journey has taught me that we all have unique gifts waiting to be discovered. Crystal bowls, being intuitive to use, can be that first step for many. And with one door opened, countless others await.

You’re in good hands

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The studio is so beautiful, great energy and so lovely to see all the available alchemy bowls.

Elmira Lilic
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The studio is a very welcoming space and the free flow of conversation made the experience very relaxed and inspired curiosity.

Matt West
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The Sound Healing Studio is such a warm inclusive space where everyone is made to feel welcome and at home. The vibe, sounds and scents are grounding, positive and absolutely joyful!

Jen Raffield